Monday, August 12, 2013

Hot !

 It has cooled off, but when it was Hot !

Keeva gets her A/C register.

 Rhianon disputes Keeva's claim to the register.

Myrna takes her place in front of her fan

If you want to comment, please send an email to: william {at}, or go to our website:

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Fully fledged and gone.

The baby robins have left the nest.

If you want to comment, please send an email to: william {at}, or go to our website:

Friday, June 28, 2013

Myrna is 10. Woo Hoo !

 Myrna was 10 years old June 4, 2013
Myrna is the dam of the Presidents' day litter (2005) of 14 pups.  She is still doing quite well, still the alpha of the pack.

The birds are getting their feathers, still waiting for mom to bring dinner.
We just missed a picture of mom on the nest but saw that they are robins.

If you want to comment, please send an email to: william {at}, or go to our website:

Sunday, June 23, 2013

It's been a long time.

 The last year has been very busy.  Deborah has been ill since November and the docs still don't know what is wrong.  Not life-threatening, just disabling ("just" ?)

As I was cleaning the sheltered part of the dog's  play area I looked up and saw:

All of our suitable dogs are blood donors. (suitable means age 2 - 7).  Here is Maitias donating. I am the one with the sweater vest.  Both he and I have furry faces.  Kathy is a vet tech who helps.

They just lie on a table and collect snuggles and treats.  The hardest part is getting them up on the table !
However they are slowly learning to jump up (the table is 3' high) and lie down for a treat.

If you want to comment, please send an email to: william {at}, or go to our website:

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Hot weather and Seed Head

When it gets really hot out - which it has been,the dogs all head for their favorite air conditioning vent.
Rhianon at "her" vent

"Monster child,"  aka "Platinum Princess," aka Erlina manages to find the green burrs.
Then she bring them home as a seed head.  Of course she wants/doesn't want them removed IMMEDIATELY !

If you want to comment, please send an email to: william {at}, or go to our website:

Monday, May 14, 2012

4 children, 3 dogs, 2 adults, small camper

4 children, 3 dogs, 2 adults, small camper

Needless to say, this is not our family, but it is two 7 year old Hounds of Heaven dogs.
A very good time was reported by all.

If you want to comment, please send an email to: william {at}, or go to our website:

Friday, February 24, 2012

Snow !

The dogs love the snow and especially love fresh show.

Bidelia, first out and having a ball.
Bidelia, making the hard corner.

Erlina, almost never on the ground.
Myrna, The Empress, Ruler of all she surveys.

 All the dogs did not cooperate with good pictures - or perhaps it is more accurate to say the photographer did not get decent pictures of all the hounds.

If you want to comment, please send an email to: william {at}, or go to our website: