Friday, February 24, 2012

Snow !

The dogs love the snow and especially love fresh show.

Bidelia, first out and having a ball.
Bidelia, making the hard corner.

Erlina, almost never on the ground.
Myrna, The Empress, Ruler of all she surveys.

 All the dogs did not cooperate with good pictures - or perhaps it is more accurate to say the photographer did not get decent pictures of all the hounds.

If you want to comment, please send an email to: william {at}, or go to our website:

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The pups of the Presidents' Day Litter are 7

Myrna, the mom
Two weeks before the whelping Myrna was jumping over 40 inch gates, because she was the boss and needed to be over there.  This has not changed in 9 years.  This was the litter that came with a large surprise: 16 pups, of which 14 were viable.  We were expecting about 12, but when the pups went into distress after the first was whelped an emergency c-section resulted in 15 more.  The clinic was busy with everybody (and I do mean everybody) resuscitating puppies for hours.

Cuilke is still with us, but we do not have a recent picture.

Tiernan and friends

Granuaile, aka "Felony" and Deb




Rosin and Ruairi


Riona should still be with us, but bacterial endocarditis led to premature heart failure.

If you want to comment, please send an email to: william {at}, or go to our website:

Friday, February 3, 2012

St. Brigid's litter is 3

The puppies of St. Brigid's litter were 3 years old on February first.
(you can click on the picture to see the original, the blog software crops them as it wishes)
Seamus enjoying his birthday cake



CH Oisin

And, their Momma
CH Rhianon

and, their GrandMa
Myrna, every inch the wise matriarch.

If you want to comment, please send an email to: william {at}, or go to our website: