Sunday, June 14, 2009

Another quiet week

To paraphrase Garrison Keeler, "It was another quiet week at the Hounds of Heaven" - thank goodness. All the adults and puppies are healthy.

Rhianon and the 3 puppies that remain here are looking at what made one of the other dogs bark.

Rhianon leads them out to explore.

Maitias says, "Wait for me !"

Oisin snags a choice clump of decaying grass and has a mid-afternoon snack while walking with mom. He did return it to his proud human parents later that afternoon, together with all the cookies he had eaten.

The puppies are starting their training for the show ring. They just can't believe that we want them to stand still. So, they don't. It is said that laughter is the best medicine and puppies in the show ring are plenty of that medicine. It keeps us younger as there is laughter for all.