Sunday, August 16, 2009

Liam - one week later

Liam, one week after coming home.

Thanks to the skillful hands of the surgeon, Laurent Guiot, DVM, and the attention paid by the veterinarians of the Michigan State University Teaching Hospital, Liam returned home 36 hours after his surgery. He was delighted to be home, but walked like a drunken sailor and had to go out every 2 hours - all night long. His ability to get himself up and going is always marginal and for the first 4 days he frequently required a little boost to get up (which is not easy with a 180 pound dog).

We gradually increased his exercise to the point that he is now going out in his paddock every morning and enjoying the scents and the grass. He is still not quite ready to romp with the puppies though.

He has the most marvelous line of staples that run from stem to stern, very much into heavy metal is our boy. He is scheduled to lose them on Friday, when the vet comes to visit.

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