Monday, March 1, 2010

Liam at 9

Here is a picture of Liam, shortly after his 9th birthday.

Nine years old is quite old for an Irish Wolfhound. It is generally reported that the average lifespan of an Irish Wolfhound is 7. We have been fortunate to usually have our hounds live longer.

As he aged, Liam developed a quite characteristic weakness in his rear legs. The harness you see in the picture is so we can (more or less easily) help him stand when he gets info a position with his legs splayed out and so he can go upstairs to Bill's office (more accurately, so his descent can be controlled safely).

A curious side effect of wearing the harness (or perhaps the stair descent) is that his strength of his rear legs has improved to the point that he no longer needs to wear his traction boots. Hmmmm.........

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