Saturday, December 10, 2011

I think winter has arrived.

It is Winter 

 Keeva knows what to do in the winter

Winter seems to have arrived and the dogs love to play in the snow - and then they love to sleep.  

Overall things are going well for the Hounds of Heaven.  Erlina is perfecting her "monster moves," the dogs continue to serenade us at times expected and unexpected.  

Riona, she of the tail necrosis and bacterial endocarditis,  just doesn't want to eat.  Throughout her illness she has dropped from 140 # (64 Kg.) to 116 # (52 Kg.).  Now when she won't eat she gets syringe fed a high-calorie/high nutrition tube feeding formula + yogurt and a little canola oil.  She doesn't like it and she and Bill both get covered in the formula, as does the futon.  However, she has gained 2 # (1 Kg.) in the last week.
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Sunday, November 20, 2011


With apologies to Alan Ginsberg and the rest of the Beat Generation, here is the Hounds of Heaven Chorus with their version of "Howl"

The chorus starts with the boys then Rhianon and Keeva and the rest of the girls join in.  Howling is a group sing that connects the various parts of the pack that are in different parts of the house and indicates that "All is Well."  It is delightful to hear, even at 3 am.  Our first Wolfhound, Fionna, used to start the chorus in her sleep, usually early (really early) in the morning.  Her health was always very fragile (even then she lived to 10 1/2) and it was reassuring to know that all was well.

If you play this with your dogs nearby, they may join in the chorus.

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Erlina !

If a picture is worth a thousand words, how may words is this video worth ?
Erlina and Oisin Playing
As you can see, Erlina is doing very well.
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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Running with the big dogs

Erlina likes to chase after and play fight with Oisin, who usually enjoys it as well.  Well, this day he had enough and he decided to show the little monster when enough was enough.

So, he runs into her and over she goes.

Actually, it was over and over she went.
However, no one was hurt and they continued to play, although Erlina was showing a bit more respect of the big dog after that.

(As Erlina is Erlina, she went back to picking on him the next day - just with not quite as much verve.) 

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Oisin is an AKC Champion, Erlina is a monster

In the weirdest way, Oisin is an AKC champion.  Two weeks ago we went to the Monroe Kennel Club show hoping for 2 major wins.  In order to become a champion, a dog must garner 15 points, but 2  wins must be for at least 3 points: "major wins."  With so few IWs being shown in Michigan we haven't been able to find many majors.  We hoped that the Group 1 win would get him a major because with a Group 1 win, if any of the dogs in the Hound Group had gotten a major, he would too.  But, no major.  The exhibitors in Michigan are generally a cooperative and friendly lot so we conspired to "build" a major at Monroe.

Unfortunately on Saturday we were not quite in sync and he received the Reserve Winner's Dog (i.e: 2nd place), so no points and no major win.  On Sunday he did receive Winner's Dog and the major win.

Now the strangeness.  One of the cooperative exhibitors had brought a dog she bred with the sole intent of filling out the entry to make it a major.  That is the dog that one on Saturday.  But....
She showed the dog in the Bred By Exhibitor class, which makes sense, but in order to show legally in that class you also need to be an owner of the dog, and she was not.  She had borrowed the dog to help out.  As soon as she was reminded (by her co-breeder) that she was not an owner she notified the AKC that took away the win and awarded the win and the major to the Reserve Winner's Dog, who was Oisin.  
Thus he went from 15 points and 1 major to 18 points and 2 majors without even leaving home.

Erlina has been off her antibiotics for 2 months now and is feeling better and better.  She now has the endurance and activity that we would expect of a young Irish Wolfhound.  Actually, she is a monster dog, tormenting all the other dogs because she wants to play rough with them.  In this picture she is charging out to do battle with Oisin (and incidentally to  knock over Bill, who is taking the picture).  Generally she can wear out 2 to 4 dogs before she is ready, reluctantly, to go back in her pen.  This is terrific !

If you want to comment, please send an email to: william {at}, or go to our website:

Sunday, October 2, 2011

At Last, a Major Win

In order to win an AKC Championship the dog must earn 15 points.  There is a complex point scale, but basically the dog must win a number of times at shows.  The hard part is that 2 of the wins must be "major wins," and there just aren't enough dogs entered in most shows to qualify them as "major."  After about a year of trying to get a major win Oisin got one today at the Monroe (MI) Kennel Club show.  
Thanks go to the other exhibitors who dragged themselves and their dogs to the show at 8 am (in 36 degree weather) to help make a major.  Now he just needs one more to get his Championship.  Yea, Oisin !
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Monday, September 19, 2011

Erlina continues to do well, my computer, not so much.

Erlina continues to improve.  She gets her banana each morning and then, after a suitable interval, goes out with the other dogs to play monster.  She goes out to play monster - jumping in the air and growling and running and more jumping.  Oisin likes to play with her, the others mostly tolerate the "little kid."

It is not well known, but electricity is merely smoke running through wires.  Yes, I know all that theory about electrons and such, but come on, have you ever seen an electron ?  We have all seen smoke on the other hand.  It is clear that when something in a computer breaks it lets out the smoke and then the computer stops working.  So it is with my computer and that is why there are no pictures in this post.  They are all backed up - twice, but not available at the moment.

If you want to comment, please send an email to: william {at}, or go to our website:

Friday, September 2, 2011

Erlina and Oisin - Stoop Tag

I remember when I was small we used to play a game we called "Stoop Tag" (als0 known as "Drop Tag"). There was one official rule, the person who was it could not tag you if you stooped down. There was another, unofficial, rule which was that the kids that were not "it" were to bedevil the "it" person by running as close to him/her as possible without getting tagged. Erlina and Oisin have learned to play this game quite well.

Erlina, nipping at Oisin, who is obviously "it."

Oisin charges back

and gets ready to "tag" Erlina

who drops to the ground, taunting Oisin, "you can't tag me."

When the game is over, it is time for a good stretch and roll in the grass.

As you can see, Erlina continues to do well off the antibiotics. An extensive checkup at the Michigan State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital this week said that all is well - so far.

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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Erlina - so far so good. Riona is ok too.

Erlina, chasing Finian towards Myrna
One week off the antibiotics, Erlina is feisty and doing well. Here she is chasing Finian towards Myrna who has her favorite "Make my day !" look. Erlina still does not have the stamina one would hope, but it is improving as time goes on.

Erlina as Monster Dog

Over the past few weeks we also struggled with a massive infection in Riona's tail. We could not save the tail so decided it was much better to lose the tail than the dog. Here is short-tailed Riona, who does not mind a bit.

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Sunday, August 21, 2011


Erlina as a Monster Dog.

Ready to Attack

The Attack

Erlina is doing quite well. She has just finished a 4 month course of the the antibiotic Amikacin, by injection every day. The maximum recommended course of Amikacin is 7 days because it is toxic to the kidneys. By checking her kidney function 3 times a week for the first 2 months and twice a week for the last 2 months we were able to continue the drug more or less safely.

Now the waiting begins. If the infection returns, there is not much more we can do and the story will end sadly. If the infection does not return, we continue on with the story of the Platinum Princess ! Prayers, good thoughts, candles lit, and glasses of Guinness raised in her honor will all be appreciated.

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Sunday, July 31, 2011

That Darn Wascally Wabbit

The pups (here Rhiannon and Keva) are entertained and excited by a rabbit that appears to have no sense, or perhaps a very good understanding of chain-link fences. The rabbit keeps coming back to eat the clover in the grass right next to their pen. The dogs go completely nuts, but the rabbit does not pay any attention to them, which makes them more nuts.

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Saturday, June 11, 2011

The win picture

Here is the win picture from the Group 1 win about which I posted last time.
Oisin is wonderful, I look like I lost a bar fight.

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Monday, May 23, 2011

Oisin - a Group 1 at Genesee County Kennel Club Show 5/21/11

Oisin and Bill went to the Genesee County (MI) Kennel Club Show on Saturday 5/21. Oisin took Best of Breed in Irish Wolfhounds and was advanced to the Hound Group Competition.

At dog shows, each breed is judged against others in the breed and the winner, Best of Breed, then competes against all other dogs in their group that have won their Best of Breed. Irish Wolfhounds, like Afgan Hounds, American Foxhounds and others, are part of the Hound group.

First Prize Ribbon in Group

Now, we would like to say that this was a usual and uneventful win, but not so.
As Bill was leading the group out onto the ring, at full speed as IWs are wont to do, Oisin bumped his left leg behind his right. Both feet stopped, the rest of him did not. Boom, crash, Bill made a not-so-graceful landing on his face on the concrete. Oisin, loyal hound he is, stayed nearby. After a brief intermission where the judge and others got the bleeding stopped and took the broken pieces of Bill's glasses out of his face and applied an ice-pack, the competition resumed.

Because Bill won the Hound Group, he stayed for the Best in Show competition, which he did not win. Then there was an hour drive home, a half-hour drive to the ER and a 2 hour fun time in which he was x-rayed (left hand/wrist), CAT scanned (head), stitched (face) and sent home.

He is quoted as saying, "Sure I have a headache, but it was worth it."

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Monday, May 9, 2011

No news is good news

Just a quick note to say all is progressing well here. Erlina continues on the Amikacin and we added Rifampin (another rare antibiotic) and continue to hope against hope. She has more energy and is interacting well with the other wolfhounds, who are much more accepting of her (probably because she is older and behaving less like a monster).

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Monday, April 25, 2011

Spring is here at last ?

The flowers are blooming. Does that mean spring is here at last ?
Well..............a definite maybe.
Of course, spring does not mean that we are done with the snow, but it usually means that the snow will not stay long.

(Now, you may notice my ambivalence. If I were to say "Spring IS HERE" and then it snowed again, Michelle would blame me for the snow. So I will just say "maybe.")Myrna (top) and Riona certainly enjoy the new grass and the warmer weather.

As does Erlina, who has another uti.

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Sunday, April 10, 2011

News - Erlina is home again.

If no news is good news, then.... news is not so hot.

Erlina just came home from the hospital...again.

She was on long term treatment with Baytril, one of the few antibiotics that would treat her persistent kidney infection, except, it stopped working. A urine culture showed that the same bug was present, but now it was sensitive to only one commonly used antibiotic, Amikacin. However a 6 hour frantic search for Amikacin turned up the information that the manufacturer is no longer making it. We called people all over the country and had them looking for it.

Amikacin is a very good antibiotic for rare bugs. It can cause kidney damage and hearing loss if it is not monitored well.

We found ONE compounding pharmacy in the country that would make up the Amikacin injection for us:

Olympia Compounding Pharmacy
6700 Conroy Road
Orlando, FL 32835


With one hour before closing, they put together our order and shipped it overnight to the hospital. Applause to them !

Erlina has now been on the Amikacin for 3 doses and is back to her bouncy self.

You might want to make a note of Olympia's address and tell your vet, just in case he/she needs some Amikacin for your dog, or someone else's

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Monday, March 28, 2011

No news is good news

Erlina continues growing slowly, still on long-term antibiotics. Everyone else is doing just fine too. They tell me that the end of physical therapy is in sight..., someday.

Please let me recommend a visit to Torteval Irish Wolfhounds, Anne and Paul Vaudin, who live in one of the Channel Islands (between England and France - actually much closer to France than England, but part of England because England won that war). Lovely site with hundreds of well executed pictures and many illustrated stories.

Torteval Irish Wolfhounds

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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Of Latches and Blood Donations

When Erlina was so very ill she required 4 blood transfusions. In order to help out we enrolled 8 of the dogs as blood donors and this weekend 7 of them were called on to provide blood for an unfortunate Golden Retriever who was running in the woods and impaled herself on a sharp stick.

This is a traditional chain link fork latch.
It is fairly easy for a dog to flip open if he/she can reach the latch with his/her nose, and all the dogs can easily reach the latches on the 4 foot fences we have dividing the interior of their running areas. We have to put a hook (visible at the lower left of the picture) through the latch to keep the beasties from going where they will. Philly is the expert and can open an unhooked latch without even breaking her stride.

This is a "master kennel latch."
It requires that the latch be lifted straight up and then twisted to get it open. It is not easy even for humans. Yup, Philly can open them too, but it takes her awhile. She just gives them a hard lift with her nose and out she goes.

This is a plunger latch
A plunger latch requires that the hound press down on the top of the plunger with one front paw while pressing on the gate with the other front paw. Philly did not know how to open them until Saoirse showed her how.

Generally the hounds will not open the latches unless they really want to go somewhere. Then. . .

Yes, both the master kennel latch picture and the plunger latch picture were taken in the house: living room and dining room respectively. Doesn't everybody decorate with chain link ?

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Monday, February 21, 2011

Liam is 10 ! - Hounds of Heaven February Birthdays

CH Hounds of Heaven Croi Liam reaches the grand old age of 10 !
In Irish Wolfhounds, any birthday over 7 is considered a "bonus year." Ten is exceptional.

See all the pictures

You will note that I said the snow was gone. Everybody in Michigan now hates me because in the 2 days between the time I wrote that and now, we have gotten 6 inches. My bad. Never tempt Mother Nature !

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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Zephan, and it is still too cold !

Zephan, of the Presidents' Day litter, left last week to wait for us in the meadow by the Rainbow Bridge.

Zephan was diagnosed with lymphoma 4 months ago. He did well on treatment, maintaining his quality of life until the very end when he developed serious complications that made it very difficult for him to walk.

Zephan, last summer, a happier time.

It was -3 degrees F. this morning when Liam wanted to go out. As he will be 10 years old in a couple of weeks, he needs someone to go out with him. This means putting on snow boots and a robe. Quite the fashion statement.

The pups of St. Brigid's litter are two this week. Pictures to follow.

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Sunday, January 23, 2011

It is too cold

You would think that this was Minnesota ! We live in Michigan, in part, because the lakes that surround us keep it from getting too cold or too hot.
Actually, the thermometer is wrong, it was -6 degree F (-24 C) outside when I took this picture at 8 am this morning. (The thermometer is in a "outside shelter" we have for the dogs so they don't have to go outside outside when the weather is too horrible.) Of course, the dog's response is:

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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Happy Birthday to Erlina

Erlina on her first birthday.
Despite numerous medical problems, the little girl made it to one year. She has celebrated with several peanut butter and dog cookie snacks and is enjoying herself a lot. While her stamina is not quite what it used to be, it is improving daily.

Erlina and Finian

Picking a buddy for her to exercise with is a difficult task. There are several criteria:
  • The other dog(s) must not be afraid of this rambunctious puppy (that excludes all the girls).
  • The other dog must be gentle enough that we can feel secure that Erlina, who is still a bit fragile, won't be hurt by the play.
  • The other dog must be agile enough and aware enough of her to get out of her way when she is about to crash into the other dog.
  • The other dog must want to play with her and not just leave her in the dust (snow ?) as he runs off.
The only dog that fits these criteria is the biggest dog, Finian, at 185#. He likes to play with her, enjoys being with her, and is a marvel at not letting her run into him and does not run her over when she runs right in front of him (no one said that she has any sense - the brain fairy has not arrived yet).

Finian and Erlina taking off for a romp.

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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Erlina - 4 months later.

No pictures this time, for reasons that will become obvious. The exact times of the events reported here will be a bit fuzzy... the times seem to run together in a crisis and it has been a crisis for the past 4 months.

About 4 months ago we notices symptoms consistent with a bladder infection in Erlina. Otherwise she was doing well. The vet took sent a sample for a unrinalysis and culture and sensitivity. The bug was resistant to most antibiotics, but sensitive to a sulfa derivative so we started her on that. After 2 weeks she was better and we stopped the antibiotic. A week later she was symptomatic again so the vet started her on the antibiotic again. Her symptoms resolved but at the same time she began getting lethargic and pale. The next day she was more pale and her heart rate was going up so, after consultation with the vet it was off to the Emergency Vet Clinic at Michigan State University.

When we arrived at the vet clinic, her packed cell volume (basically a measure of how many red blood cells there are) was 11%, with the normal for a canine being about 50%. It took several days in the ICU for it to become clear, but she had a reaction to the antibiotic that destroyed 80% of her red blood cells. Luckily, MSU has a blood transfusion program so 4 days and 4 transfusions later she was up to 20% (which, while not good, is not dangerous. 11% is very dangerous) and was starting to make her own red blood cells. No more sulfa drugs for her or any Hound of Heaven as it may be hereditary.

Ok, another crisis passed, time to relax: NOT.

Just as she was getting back on her feet, literally, she began complaining loudly of pain. It was, of course, Friday night. Off to the Vet Emergency Clinic again. Although her pain was obvious to anyone within a 4 block radius the vets could not localize it and we had a working diagnosis of panostititis was made. She continued getting worse and a return visit to the vet who had treated her liver shunt, Mathew Beal, on Monday resulted in some X-rays and a diagnosis of infection of one of her vertebrae. That afternoon, using a CAT scanner, he was able to get a sample of the infection and it was submitted for culture, along with samples of blood and urine. She was one sick puppy ! He started her on two antibiotics and we waited for the culture results. She spent 2 days in the ICU this time and went home on the two antibiotics. She got much better in the next 3 days.

The initial culture results said that the bug was sensitive to Keflex, nice because it is much less expensive than the other antibiotics, so we switched her - and she went down the toilet again. The final culture results said there were two bacteria, only one of which was sensitive to Keflex, so back to the expensive antibiotic.

She has been on Baytril for a week now and is doing much better. As of today she was able to eat her meals at her feeding stand, while standing. Before this she would eat her meals lying down, being hand fed.

Our thanks and appreciation go to Mathew Beal, DVM, and L. Ari Jutkowitz, VMD, of the Michigan State Veterinary Teaching Hospital, for their interest and competence and dedication in taking care of this poor little puppy.

It must be noted that during all of this someone had to stay with her all night, so sleep was at a premium, if infrequent. "Survival" was the keyword and all luxuries, such as this blog, went by the wayside.

Except for Zephan, all the rest of the puppies are doing well, including Liam who is now 9 years, 11 months old. He needs a bit of help getting up and sometimes some help walking but continues to enjoy life.

Zephan was diagnoses with lymphoma 6 weeks ago, but is responding quite well to treatment.

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