It is Winter
Keeva knows what to do in the winter
Winter seems to have arrived and the dogs love to play in the snow - and then they love to sleep.
Overall things are going well for the Hounds of Heaven. Erlina is perfecting her "monster moves," the dogs continue to serenade us at times expected and unexpected.
Riona, she of the tail necrosis and bacterial endocarditis, just doesn't want to eat. Throughout her illness she has dropped from 140 # (64 Kg.) to 116 # (52 Kg.). Now when she won't eat she gets syringe fed a high-calorie/high nutrition tube feeding formula + yogurt and a little canola oil. She doesn't like it and she and Bill both get covered in the formula, as does the futon. However, she has gained 2 # (1 Kg.) in the last week.
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